Article: Efficacy of Concentrated Heat for Treatment of Insect Bites: A Real-world Study
This study evaluated the benefits of using localized heat using a medical device called “heat it”. This device is intended to reduce effects such as swelling, itching, and pain caused by insect bites. The study included 1,750 participants and included bites/stings from mosquitoes, bees, and wasps among others. The study revealed that those with bee stings experienced 44% itch reduction rates while those with wasp stings experienced 64% reduction in itch rates. Pain intensity was also found to be reduced for mosquito bites, bees and wasp stings. Pain was reduced by 34% after 1 minute of heat application for bee stings and wasp stings, and by 64% after 5-10 minutes. Pain was also reduced for mosquito bites by 24% in the first minute and 80% after 5-10 minutes. The findings from this study suggest that heat application to stings and insect bites may be beneficial in reducing pain and itching.